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Confirmation Service Address

Rt Revd Karen Gorham
29 January 2022 17:00

1 Corinthians 13 Luke 2:22-40

SERVICE OF BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION Saturday 29th January 2022 at 5.00pm President and Preacher: The Bishop of Sherborne The Rt Revd Karen Gorham

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00:00:00 Welcome 00:02:07 Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart 00:05:00 The Greeting 00:09:00 1 Corinthians 13 00:11:00 The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want. 00:13:45 Luke 2:22-40 00:17:15 Sermon: The Bishop of Sherborne 00:25:00 Presentation of the candidates 00:28:20 Overwhelmed by love, deeper than oceans 00:31:45 Baptism 00:36:20 King of Kings, majesty, God of heaven, living in me, 00:39:15 Testimonies 00:47:55 Confirmation 00:56:20 Longing for light, we wait in darkness 01:00:00 The Peace 01:01:00 Prayers 01:08:50 Prayer for Chris and Maggie Strain 01:11:15 Commission 01:12:28 I, The Lord of sea and sky


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