Feed my sheep - The Privilege and Purpose of Pastoral Ministry
Acts 20:17 and 26-32 John 21:1-17
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Holy Communion with Chris Strain at his farewell service. St Luke’s Church Parkstone “A community of whole-life disciples of Jesus Christ committed to worship, growth, fellowship and mission.”
00:00:00 Welcome, Prayers of Preparation
00:05:13 1259 Bless the Lord O my soul
00:08:16 1003 My Jesus my Saviour
00:12:00 Word from Anna Counsell and children leave
00:19:10 1008 The Lord’s my shepherd
00:21:46 John 21:1-17
00:25:15 SERMON Chris Strain
00:51:35 251 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
00:54:40 Prayers Virginia and / or Glenda
01:02:50 428 Lord for the years your love has kept and guided (Organ)
01:07:00 COMMUNION
01:15:00 1157 Behold the Lamb of God
01:18:50 1334 My hope is built
01:22:45 After Communion Prayers
01:25:25 We are your church – Build your kingdom here
01:29:00 Blessing Song – music group