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We are very grateful to all who support the ministry and mission of St Luke's with their commitment, involvement and prayers.  We are also thankful to those who give so generously financially to maintain and grow our ministry and mission.  Our annual budget is around £170,000.

You can give financially to St. Luke's through the Bank Standing Order, the Envelope Scheme, Electronically at Church or by cheque.  Giving by BACS to St Luke’s Church Parkstone, sort code 40-52-40, account number 00008836 or by Standing Order avoids fees. Tax payers are encouraged to increase their giving through the Gift Aid Scheme.    

In addition you can use to raise funds when you shop online:

Donate through Give as you Live Donate

Also if you use Amazon to purchase items, could we encourage you to use rather than for your purchases? We have registered St Luke's with them so that a small % of your spending goes to church funds. When initially setting up search for our charity by typing in “Parkstone” which seems the quickiest way to find St Luke’s on the list. Many thanks.

To download a standing order form click here

For more information do contact our Treasurer Steve Blight at or the Church Office on 01202 717268 or email the office

How does the money get spent?

Parish Share

Just under 50% of the budget is spent on what is called “The Parish Share.” This  goes to the Diocese of Salisbury to cover the vicar's salary, housing and pension contributions, the training of clergy and lay people, paying curates, central church mission initiatives, diocesan staffing and education and to help poorer parishes. We do get good value from the money we pass to the Diocese.


At present we budget a very modest 25% on non-clergy staff salaries and National Insurance. With some additional ministry expenses this accounts for about £40,000. In the future we would love to grow by taking on other staff.

Giving to Mission

It is our policy to give 10% of giving income to international and local Mission Societies and individuals we support including the Pains with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship in Japan and the Cables with the Church Mission Society in Jaffa. Do see the boards around the church. Additionally we have an annual Partnering with Mission Day when individuals can choose to support particular societies and causes.

What about the rest of our spending?

The remaining 15% or so covers everything else. This includes items such as our outreach, maintenance, capital expenditure, heating and lighting, insurance, worship resources, training, events, youth and children’s expenses etc. So you will see we do manage our finances as tightly as possible and budget wisely.

Why should we give to the church?

  • We give as a grateful response to God’s love & goodness (2 Corinthians 8:9)
  • We give to acknowledge that He is the owner of all things (Psalm 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 29:14).
  • We give because we believe in and want to further the mission and ministry of the church in Parkstone and beyond and support all that is going on.
  • Giving is good for us, makes us more like Christ and is liberating
  • God blesses us as we give and the material world releases its grip.
  • The Lord asks and expects his people to give. 

How should I give and how much?

“All should give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.” Deuteronomy 16:17

“On the first day of the week, each of you is to put aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.” 1 Corinthians 16:2

It is right that our giving should be Generous, Regular, Planned and Proportionate.

How much we give is a personal matter, but the following might help:

  • God’s people in the Old Testament gave 10% + freewill offerings.
  • Many Christians give 10% of gross or net income.
  • Some give 5% of income to the Church and 5% to other good causes
  • Many poor people give generously and sacrificially from a small income, and yet discover God is faithful and brings much blessing.
  • God understands our own particular circumstances so don’t feel guilty!